- Cersei’s Coronation Gown
- Outlander – Claire’s red gown
- A peacock tunic (or poncho)
- Star Wars Identities – Farb- und Infrarot-Kostümfotos
- Star Wars Identities – Infrared & Color photos
- Geschützt: Maße nehmen
- Night Sister – Sai Sircu
- Jupiter Jones – Jupiter Ascending – Hochzeitskleid
- Star Wars – Emperor Palpatine
- Jupiter Jones – Jupiter Ascending
- Star Wars – Padmé’s Wedding Gown
- FedCon 2014 – Samstag
- Doctor Who – Königin Elizabeth I.
- FedCon 2014 – Saturday
- Doctor Who – Queen Elizabeth I.
- Wie Spoonflower Farben druckt
- How Spoonflower prints colors
- Wie man Silikonformen und Kaltgussmetall macht
- How to make molds and cold cast metal
- Assassin’s Creed III – Aveline de Grandpré
- Assassin’s Creed III – Connor Kenway
- Assassin’s Creed – Motivation
- Star Wars Celebration Europe II, Essen, 2013 – Sonntag
- Star Wars Celebration Europe II – Samstag
- Star Wars Celebration Europe II, Essen, 2013 – Freitag
- Star Wars Celebration Europe II, Essen, 2013 – Donnerstag
- Star Wars Celebration Europe II, Essen, 2013 – Sunday
- Star Wars Celebration Europe II, Essen, 2013 – Saturday
- Star Wars Celebration Europe II, Essen, 2013 – Friday
- Star Wars Episode 3: Padmé’s final Senate appearance
- Star Wars Celebration Europe II, Essen, 2013 – Thursday
- Der Name von „Padmé Amidala“?
- Name of „Padmé Amidala“?
- Star Wars Episode 2 – Anakin Skywalker Travel
- Star Wars – Breha Organa
- Star Wars – Breha Organa
- Queen Amidala – Red Invasion – Making of the reproduction
- Star Wars – Senatskleid
- Star Wars Senate
- Geschützt: Hanna Arwen Schwarzrot
- Star Wars – Darth Maul
- Star Wars – Jawa
- Star Wars – Jawa
- Star Wars – Darth Maul
- Star Wars Kostüme
- Star Wars Costumes
- Spaceritter Oberhausen
- Spaceritter 2012
- Star Wars – Senatorin Amidala’s Reisekleid
- Star Wars – Senator Amidala’s Travel Dress
- Rokoko-Reitjacke
- Rococo Riding / Hunting Jacket
- Königin Amidala – Rote Invasion – Kopfschmuck
- Queen Amidala – Red Invasion – Headdress
- Königin Amidala – Rote Invasion / Theed Thron Raum Robe – Analyse
- Queen Amidala – Red Invasion / Theed Throne Room Robe – Analysis
- Star Wars-Baron Papanoida
- Star Wars – Baron Papanoida
- FedCon XXI – 2012
- FedCon XXI – 2012
- Titanic-Kleider
- Star Wars-Roter Imperator Palpatine
- Star Wars – Red Emperor Palpatine
- Star Wars-Königin Apailana
- Titanic dresses
- MovieDays 2012
- MovieDays 2012
- Königin Jamillia, Star Wars
- Planung
- Besticktes Unterkleid
- Das perlenbesetzte Dreieck
- Überkleid, Ärmel und Kragen
- Das fertige Kostüm
- Arbeiten mit Drum Wrap
- Queen Jamillia, StarWars
- Planning
- Beading the front piece
- Overdress, sleeves & collar
- Embroidered underdress
- Queen Jamillia, Star Wars – Finished costume
- Working with Drum Wrap
- Star Wars-Queen Apailana
- Sissi-Ungarisches Krönungskleid
- Rock
- Oberteil
- Star Wars – blauer Tattooine-Poncho
- Star Wars – Tattooine Poncho
- Ophelia by Waterhouse
- Waterhouse – Ophelia
- Stickereien
- Embroideries
- Gemälde / Kunst
- Paintings / Artwork
- Tutenchamun-Ausstellung
- Tutankhamun Exhibit
- Crashing / Pleating Silk
- Seide crashen / plissieren
- Eragon – Arya’s Rüstung
- Bestickte elizabethanische Jacke
- Eleonora di Toledo – Gemäldekleid
- Marie Antoinette Dreispitz
- Reproduktionen der britischen Kronjuwelen
- Star Wars Episode 2 – Dormé Reisekleid
- Herr der Ringe – Verschiedene
- Lord of the Rings costumes
- Star Wars – Peacock
- Planung des Kleides
- Samtmuster erfassen
- Stickmuster
- Mary Tudor
- Makrofotografie
- Über die Autorin
- Arbeiten in 3D
- Fast and Furious-Premiere
- Cranach Elbisch
- Beatrice D’Este’s Grabkleid
- Hermelinfell fälschen
- Wie man Tudor-Rosen zeichnet
- Seidensamt selbst ausbrennen
- Erst nähen, dann färben
- Sleepy Hollow-Pfirsich
- Patriot Rokokokleid
- Kampfstern Galactica
- Star Wars – Leia Klassisch
- Fantasy-Hochzeitskleid
- Nebel von Avalon – Morgaine – Blutrotes Tanzkleid
- Star Wars – Padmé’s Dinnerkleid
- Sleepy Hollow – Mantel
- Galadriel – Hochzeitskleid
- Star Wars – Coruscant- oder Packing dress
- Shakespeare in Love
- Der Pakt der Wölfe
- The Others
- Highlander
- Asterix – Mission Kleopatra
- Geslashte Ärmel
- Satine aus ‚Moulin Rouge‘ – Black Diamonds
- Satine aus ‚Moulin Rouge‘ – Rote Verführerin
- Mina aus „Bram Stoker’s Dracula“
- Königin Isabella aus ‚1492‘
- …Anfertigungen…?
- Arwen Schwarzrot
- Wie man einen Dreispitz macht
- Titanic viktorianisch
- Tornüren-Tageskleid
- Röcke
- Oberteile
- Korsett
- Planung
- Viktorianisches Abendkleid
- Visitation
- Star Wars ‚Water‘
- Empfangskleid von Worth
- Puppenkleidung
- Doll Clothing
- Sleepy Hollow
- Elizabeth
- Der Pakt der Wölfe
- The Others
- Highlander
- Elizabeth R. (1971)
- Elizabeth – Kostümaustellung
- Asterix – Mission Kleopatra
- 1492
- Titanic – offener Brief an James Cameron
- Das Arnolfini-Kleid
- How to make a tricorn hat
- Doll Clothing
- Links
- Unicorn Costumes
- Unicorn Tapestries
- About the Author
- Meine Kostüme
- Sleeves and Forepart
- Skirt
- Planning
- Maria Di Medici
- Real-Life Research
- Planned Costumes
- My Costumes
- Medieval / Renaissance Costumes
- Various Costumes
- Other Costumes
- Victorian Costumes
- Elizabethan costumes
- Interesting Costumes
- Red Temptress – Moulin Rouge
- Elven Cranach gown
- Fast and Furious premier dress
- Movies
- Chronicles of Riddick
- Embroidered Jacket
- Eleonora Di Toledo Portrait
- Beatrice D’Este’s Tomb dress
- Titanic – a letter to James Cameron
- Church in Steinkirchen
- Church in Gruenendeich
- Satine from ‚Moulin Rouge‘ – Black Diamonds
- Satine from ‚Moulin Rouge‘ – Red Temptress
- Mina from „Bram Stoker’s Dracula“
- Queen Isabel from „1492“
- Commissions?
- Arwen Bloodred
- Macro Photography
- 3D Renderings
- The Arnolfini Dress
- Cranach gown
- Study
- Planning
- Neckring
- Skirt
- Brustfleck
- Bodice
- Asterix: Mission Cleopatra
- Shakespeare in Love
- Brotherhood o.t. Wolf
- Highlander
- Padmés Dinner dress
- Fantasy wedding dress
- Leia Classic
- Sleepy Hollow Cloak
- Mists of Avalon
- Galadriel
- Coruscant dress
- Sleepy Hollow
- The Others
- Orlando (1992)
- Forepart
- Finished gown 1
- Farthingale
- Fan
- Quiz
- Bodice
- Miss Starkie
- Patriot Rococo gown
- Skirt
- Planning
- Blue „Phantom“ gown
- Planning
- Rainbow Portrait gown
- Bodice
- Wristbands
- Smock
- Rolled Sleeves
- Sleeveband
- Skirtings
- Ruffs
- Petticoat
- Pelican jewel
- Partlet and Sleeves
- Overskirt
- Necklace
- Materials
- Jewelry making
- Pelican gown
- Headdress
- Girdle
- Funny comments
- Queen Maeve
- Dress diary
- Thoughts on movies
- Troy costume exhibit
- Museum Kunst und Gewerbe
- Exhibit Duesseldorf
- Reproductions of the British crown jewels
- The London researches
- Madame Tussaud
- Show
- Pirates
- Examining the Phoenix gown
- Museum of London
- Globe Theatre
- British Museum
- Interesting findings
- Battlestar Galactica
- Mary Tudor
- Elizabeth I.
- The six wives
- Wishing gown examination
- DaVinci Exhibit
- Victoria and Albert
- Victorian at V&A
- Textiles & Laces at V&A
- Women’s clothing
- Rococo Men’s clothing
- Rococo at V&A
- Rococo paintings&statues
- Rococo interior
- Renaissance at V&A
- Regency at V&A
- Interior of the V&A
- Indian at V&A
- Diana’s ‚Elvis‘ dress
- Elizabethan at V&A
- Edwardian at V&A
- Cast Courts
- Beatrice D’Este’s Tomb
- 1920 – Modern at V&A
- Historical
- Shirah
- Riddick
- Purifier
- Necro Various
- Necro Armor
- Mercs
- Vaako
- Lord Marshal
- Kyra
- Helion Various
- Dame Vaako
- Crematoria Various
- Aereon
- Imam
- Skirt
- Elisabeth of Bavaria
- Bodice
- Planning
- Sleepy Hollow Striped
- Velvet – Dye & Paint
- Sleepy Hollow Peach
- Various pictures
- Victorian evening dress
- Corset
- Paint Tudor Roses
- Quadruples
- Puffed trims
- Pearl/Caps decoration
- Cast pewter jewelry
- Tutorials
- Glueing Rhinestones
- Fabric dyeing
- Faking ermine fur
- Enlarging patterns
- Cage Crinoline
- Burning out velvet
- Sew first, then dye
- 100% reproductions?
- Worth Reception gown
- Planning
- ‚Water‘ gown
- The Visitation
- Skirts
- Victorian Day Dress
- Bodices
- Victorian Titanic dress
- Slashed sleeves
- Slashed skirt
- Slashed doublet
- Planning my gown
- Studying
- Isabel de Valois
- Undergarments
- Eleonora di Toledo
- Sleeves & Cuffs
- Skirt
- Planning
- Coronation gown
- Forepart
- Doublet
- Bodice
- Sleeves
- Star Wars Episode 2 – Dormé Travel
- Robe à la Française
- Eragon-Arya’s Armor
- Planning
- Mary Stuart
- Proportions
- Planning
- Hardwick portrait gown
- Analysis
- Marie-Antoinette Tricorn
- Elizabeth R (1971)
- Elizabeth – costume exhibit
- Elizabeth
- 1492 – Conquest of Paradise
- Sleeves
- Skirt
- Planning
- Moretto’s Young woman
- Chemise
- Bodice
- Mary Tudor
- Skirt
- Moulin Blue gown
- Script comparison
- Star Wars Peacock
- Finished gown
- One step, one kill
- Planning the gown
- Velvet pattern
- Embroidery patterns
- Burning out