
  1. Cersei’s Coronation Gown
  2. Outlander – Claire’s red gown
  3. A peacock tunic (or poncho)
  4. Star Wars Identities – Farb- und Infrarot-Kostümfotos
  5. Star Wars Identities – Infrared & Color photos
  6. Geschützt: Maße nehmen
  7. Night Sister – Sai Sircu
  8. Jupiter Jones – Jupiter Ascending – Hochzeitskleid
  9. Star Wars – Emperor Palpatine
  10. Jupiter Jones – Jupiter Ascending
  11. Star Wars – Padmé’s Wedding Gown
  12. FedCon 2014 – Samstag
  13. Doctor Who – Königin Elizabeth I.
  14. FedCon 2014 – Saturday
  15. Doctor Who – Queen Elizabeth I.
  16. Wie Spoonflower Farben druckt
  17. How Spoonflower prints colors
  18. Wie man Silikonformen und Kaltgussmetall macht
  19. How to make molds and cold cast metal
  20. Assassin’s Creed III – Aveline de Grandpré
  21. Assassin’s Creed III – Connor Kenway
  22. Assassin’s Creed – Motivation
  23. Star Wars Celebration Europe II, Essen, 2013 – Sonntag
  24. Star Wars Celebration Europe II – Samstag
  25. Star Wars Celebration Europe II, Essen, 2013 – Freitag
  26. Star Wars Celebration Europe II, Essen, 2013 – Donnerstag
  27. Star Wars Celebration Europe II, Essen, 2013 – Sunday
  28. Star Wars Celebration Europe II, Essen, 2013 – Saturday
  29. Star Wars Celebration Europe II, Essen, 2013 – Friday
  30. Star Wars Episode 3: Padmé’s final Senate appearance
  31. Star Wars Celebration Europe II, Essen, 2013 – Thursday
  32. Der Name von „Padmé Amidala“?
  33. Name of „Padmé Amidala“?
  34. Star Wars Episode 2 – Anakin Skywalker Travel
  35. Star Wars – Breha Organa
  36. Star Wars – Breha Organa
  37. Queen Amidala – Red Invasion – Making of the reproduction
  38. Star Wars – Senatskleid
  39. Star Wars Senate
  40. Geschützt: Hanna Arwen Schwarzrot
  41. Star Wars – Darth Maul
  42. Star Wars – Jawa
  43. Star Wars – Jawa
  44. Star Wars – Darth Maul
  45. Star Wars Kostüme
  46. Star Wars Costumes
  47. Spaceritter Oberhausen
  48. Spaceritter 2012
  49. Star Wars – Senatorin Amidala’s Reisekleid
  50. Star Wars – Senator Amidala’s Travel Dress
  51. Rokoko-Reitjacke
  52. Rococo Riding / Hunting Jacket
  53. Königin Amidala – Rote Invasion – Kopfschmuck
  54. Queen Amidala – Red Invasion – Headdress
  55. Königin Amidala – Rote Invasion / Theed Thron Raum Robe – Analyse
  56. Queen Amidala – Red Invasion / Theed Throne Room Robe – Analysis
  57. Star Wars-Baron Papanoida
  58. Star Wars – Baron Papanoida
  59. FedCon XXI – 2012
  60. FedCon XXI – 2012
  61. Titanic-Kleider
  62. Star Wars-Roter Imperator Palpatine
  63. Star Wars – Red Emperor Palpatine
  64. Star Wars-Königin Apailana
  65. Titanic dresses
  66. MovieDays 2012
  67. MovieDays 2012
  68. Königin Jamillia, Star Wars
  69. Planung
  70. Besticktes Unterkleid
  71. Das perlenbesetzte Dreieck
  72. Überkleid, Ärmel und Kragen
  73. Das fertige Kostüm
  74. Arbeiten mit Drum Wrap
  75. Queen Jamillia, StarWars
  76. Planning
  77. Beading the front piece
  78. Overdress, sleeves & collar
  79. Embroidered underdress
  80. Queen Jamillia, Star Wars – Finished costume
  81. Working with Drum Wrap
  82. Star Wars-Queen Apailana
  83. Sissi-Ungarisches Krönungskleid
  84. Rock
  85. Oberteil
  86. Star Wars – blauer Tattooine-Poncho
  87. Star Wars – Tattooine Poncho
  88. Ophelia by Waterhouse
  89. Waterhouse – Ophelia
  90. Stickereien
  91. Embroideries
  92. Gemälde / Kunst
  93. Paintings / Artwork
  94. Tutenchamun-Ausstellung
  95. Tutankhamun Exhibit
  96. Crashing / Pleating Silk
  97. Seide crashen / plissieren
  98. Eragon – Arya’s Rüstung
  99. Bestickte elizabethanische Jacke
  100. Eleonora di Toledo – Gemäldekleid
  101. Marie Antoinette Dreispitz
  102. Reproduktionen der britischen Kronjuwelen
  103. Star Wars Episode 2 – Dormé Reisekleid
  104. Herr der Ringe – Verschiedene
  105. Lord of the Rings costumes
  106. Star Wars – Peacock
  107. Planung des Kleides
  108. Samtmuster erfassen
  109. Stickmuster
  110. Mary Tudor
  111. Makrofotografie
  112. Über die Autorin
  113. Arbeiten in 3D
  114. Fast and Furious-Premiere
  115. Cranach Elbisch
  116. Beatrice D’Este’s Grabkleid
  117. Hermelinfell fälschen
  118. Wie man Tudor-Rosen zeichnet
  119. Seidensamt selbst ausbrennen
  120. Erst nähen, dann färben
  121. Sleepy Hollow-Pfirsich
  122. Patriot Rokokokleid
  123. Kampfstern Galactica
  124. Star Wars – Leia Klassisch
  125. Fantasy-Hochzeitskleid
  126. Nebel von Avalon – Morgaine – Blutrotes Tanzkleid
  127. Star Wars – Padmé’s Dinnerkleid
  128. Sleepy Hollow – Mantel
  129. Galadriel – Hochzeitskleid
  130. Star Wars – Coruscant- oder Packing dress
  131. Shakespeare in Love
  132. Der Pakt der Wölfe
  133. The Others
  134. Highlander
  135. Asterix – Mission Kleopatra
  136. Geslashte Ärmel
  137. Satine aus ‚Moulin Rouge‘ – Black Diamonds
  138. Satine aus ‚Moulin Rouge‘ – Rote Verführerin
  139. Mina aus „Bram Stoker’s Dracula“
  140. Königin Isabella aus ‚1492‘
  141. …Anfertigungen…?
  142. Arwen Schwarzrot
  143. Wie man einen Dreispitz macht
  144. Titanic viktorianisch
  145. Tornüren-Tageskleid
  146. Röcke
  147. Oberteile
  148. Korsett
  149. Planung
  150. Viktorianisches Abendkleid
  151. Visitation
  152. Star Wars ‚Water‘
  153. Empfangskleid von Worth
  154. Puppenkleidung
  155. Doll Clothing
  156. Sleepy Hollow
  157. Elizabeth
  158. Der Pakt der Wölfe
  159. The Others
  160. Highlander
  161. Elizabeth R. (1971)
  162. Elizabeth – Kostümaustellung
  163. Asterix – Mission Kleopatra
  164. 1492
  165. Titanic – offener Brief an James Cameron
  166. Das Arnolfini-Kleid
  167. How to make a tricorn hat
  168. Doll Clothing
  169. Links
  170. Unicorn Costumes
  171. Unicorn Tapestries
  172. About the Author
  173. Meine Kostüme
  174. Sleeves and Forepart
  175. Skirt
  176. Planning
  177. Maria Di Medici
  178. Real-Life Research
  179. Planned Costumes
  180. My Costumes
  181. Medieval / Renaissance Costumes
  182. Various Costumes
  183. Other Costumes
  184. Victorian Costumes
  185. Elizabethan costumes
  186. Interesting Costumes
  187. Red Temptress – Moulin Rouge
  188. Elven Cranach gown
  189. Fast and Furious premier dress
  190. Movies
  191. Chronicles of Riddick
  192. Embroidered Jacket
  193. Eleonora Di Toledo Portrait
  194. Beatrice D’Este’s Tomb dress
  195. Titanic – a letter to James Cameron
  196. Church in Steinkirchen
  197. Church in Gruenendeich
  198. Satine from ‚Moulin Rouge‘ – Black Diamonds
  199. Satine from ‚Moulin Rouge‘ – Red Temptress
  200. Mina from „Bram Stoker’s Dracula“
  201. Queen Isabel from „1492“
  202. Commissions?
  203. Arwen Bloodred
  204. Macro Photography
  205. 3D Renderings
  206. The Arnolfini Dress
  207. Cranach gown
  208. Study
  209. Planning
  210. Neckring
  211. Skirt
  212. Brustfleck
  213. Bodice
  214. Asterix: Mission Cleopatra
  215. Shakespeare in Love
  216. Brotherhood o.t. Wolf
  217. Highlander
  218. Padmés Dinner dress
  219. Fantasy wedding dress
  220. Leia Classic
  221. Sleepy Hollow Cloak
  222. Mists of Avalon
  223. Galadriel
  224. Coruscant dress
  225. Sleepy Hollow
  226. The Others
  227. Orlando (1992)
  228. Forepart
  229. Finished gown 1
  230. Farthingale
  231. Fan
  232. Quiz
  233. Bodice
  234. Miss Starkie
  235. Patriot Rococo gown
  236. Skirt
  237. Planning
  238. Blue „Phantom“ gown
  239. Planning
  240. Rainbow Portrait gown
  241. Bodice
  242. Wristbands
  243. Smock
  244. Rolled Sleeves
  245. Sleeveband
  246. Skirtings
  247. Ruffs
  248. Petticoat
  249. Pelican jewel
  250. Partlet and Sleeves
  251. Overskirt
  252. Necklace
  253. Materials
  254. Jewelry making
  255. Pelican gown
  256. Headdress
  257. Girdle
  258. Funny comments
  259. Queen Maeve
  260. Dress diary
  261. Thoughts on movies
  262. Troy costume exhibit
  263. Museum Kunst und Gewerbe
  264. Exhibit Duesseldorf
  265. Reproductions of the British crown jewels
  266. The London researches
  267. Madame Tussaud
  268. Show
  269. Pirates
  270. Examining the Phoenix gown
  271. Museum of London
  272. Globe Theatre
  273. British Museum
  274. Interesting findings
  275. Battlestar Galactica
  276. Mary Tudor
  277. Elizabeth I.
  278. The six wives
  279. Wishing gown examination
  280. DaVinci Exhibit
  281. Victoria and Albert
  282. Victorian at V&A
  283. Textiles & Laces at V&A
  284. Women’s clothing
  285. Rococo Men’s clothing
  286. Rococo at V&A
  287. Rococo paintings&statues
  288. Rococo interior
  289. Renaissance at V&A
  290. Regency at V&A
  291. Interior of the V&A
  292. Indian at V&A
  293. Diana’s ‚Elvis‘ dress
  294. Elizabethan at V&A
  295. Edwardian at V&A
  296. Cast Courts
  297. Beatrice D’Este’s Tomb
  298. 1920 – Modern at V&A
  299. Historical
  300. Shirah
  301. Riddick
  302. Purifier
  303. Necro Various
  304. Necro Armor
  305. Mercs
  306. Vaako
  307. Lord Marshal
  308. Kyra
  309. Helion Various
  310. Dame Vaako
  311. Crematoria Various
  312. Aereon
  313. Imam
  314. Skirt
  315. Elisabeth of Bavaria
  316. Bodice
  317. Planning
  318. Sleepy Hollow Striped
  319. Velvet – Dye & Paint
  320. Sleepy Hollow Peach
  321. Various pictures
  322. Victorian evening dress
  323. Corset
  324. Paint Tudor Roses
  325. Quadruples
  326. Puffed trims
  327. Pearl/Caps decoration
  328. Cast pewter jewelry
  329. Tutorials
  330. Glueing Rhinestones
  331. Fabric dyeing
  332. Faking ermine fur
  333. Enlarging patterns
  334. Cage Crinoline
  335. Burning out velvet
  336. Sew first, then dye
  337. 100% reproductions?
  338. Worth Reception gown
  339. Planning
  340. ‚Water‘ gown
  341. The Visitation
  342. Skirts
  343. Victorian Day Dress
  344. Bodices
  345. Victorian Titanic dress
  346. Slashed sleeves
  347. Slashed skirt
  348. Slashed doublet
  349. Planning my gown
  350. Studying
  351. Isabel de Valois
  352. Undergarments
  353. Eleonora di Toledo
  354. Sleeves & Cuffs
  355. Skirt
  356. Planning
  357. Coronation gown
  358. Forepart
  359. Doublet
  360. Bodice
  361. Sleeves
  362. Star Wars Episode 2 – Dormé Travel
  363. Robe à la Française
  364. Eragon-Arya’s Armor
  365. Planning
  366. Mary Stuart
  367. Proportions
  368. Planning
  369. Hardwick portrait gown
  370. Analysis
  371. Marie-Antoinette Tricorn
  372. Elizabeth R (1971)
  373. Elizabeth – costume exhibit
  374. Elizabeth
  375. 1492 – Conquest of Paradise
  376. Sleeves
  377. Skirt
  378. Planning
  379. Moretto’s Young woman
  380. Chemise
  381. Bodice
  382. Mary Tudor
  383. Skirt
  384. Moulin Blue gown
  385. Script comparison
  386. Star Wars Peacock
  387. Finished gown
  388. One step, one kill
  389. Planning the gown
  390. Velvet pattern
  391. Embroidery patterns
  392. Burning out